Art and Labor Podcast: Heath Care with Artie Vierkant & Beatrice Adler-Bolton.

Beep Beep Lettuce Podcast: Bonus 44 - Obamacare 2: Judgement Day (ft Beatrice Adler-Bolton). 4-6 w/ Beatrice Adler-Bolton of Death Panel. Someone get this dude some Pokémon cards so he seems like less of a loser. september 2018: beatrice adler-bolton, lutte. Really, honestly, this is how Che spent New Year’s Eve getting on social media to gripe about people who say he isn’t funny. Dan Crenshaw is a racist piece of s**t and bringing him on to kiss his ass because some people got mad you made fun of him. They locked people in isolation for up to 85 days, forcing them to listen to looped voice recordings as they went mad. They tried to remote control dogs by sticking chips in their brains. In retrospect, that was the moment we all should have realized that any hope of SNL having any edge or intelligent political commentary was just fucking gone. The CIA recruited prostitutes to dose clients with LSD. Honestly, though, the winner of the day was Allison’s Struggle Session co-host Leslie Lee.
Struggle Session Struggle Session TV & Film 4. We talk video games, movies, TV, wrestling, comic books, music, anime, and all of your problematic faves. Leslie Lee III and Jack Allison wade into the reactionary hellhole of modern America. That’s the kind of quality humor we can expect from the man who gave us this. Struggle Session is the worlds finest politics and pop culture podcast. And it’s really not going well for him.Ĭhe joined Twitter as and made around 100 tweets in a single day, almost all of them about how not mad he is that a guy who is way less successful than him doesn’t like the terrible show he writes.ĭELETED TWEET FROM it? It’s a fat joke because Jack is a little heavy. I thought it was pretty weird when Che spent a day melting down about Jack making a mild criticism of SNL’s submission policy, but now, six months later, Che joined Twitter just to extend this fight. Struggle Session OctoPatreon (paywall) Race to the Bottom with Matt Christman A Time Of Monsters OctoPatreon (free episode) YKS Premium S12E4: Miketober Episode 4: The Return of the Living Dead with Matt Christman Your Kickstarter Sucks OctoPatreon (paywall) Ep. Which is to say Jack does okay but you wouldn’t expect the head writer of a network show that’s been on the air since Gerald Ford was president to obsess over for the better part of a year, and yet that’s exactly what Michael Che has done.

Jack Allison is a former Jimmy Kimmel Live! writer who co-hosts the very good Struggle Session podcast and has a Twitch channel. Sam is joined by author Chloe Thurston to discuss her new book, ‘At the Boundaries of Homeownership: Credit, Discrimination, & the American State.’ While often touted as a sign of individualistic bootstrapping, middle class home ownership in the US is the result of a targeted set of government interventions going back to the 1930s.